




Anxiety is something everyone goes through but there are varying degrees of it and it comes in many forms. Currently we all are having some issues with this so let’s talk about normal anxiety vs clinical anxiety.

is there to help us address something we need to respond to.

Is a more longstanding, ongoing type of anxiety that sometimes requires intervention as it can interfere with quality of daily life. Anxiety comes in many forms and is something everyone goes through, but there are varying degrees. Let’s talk about normal anxiety vs clinical anxiety:

Our thoughts and emotions are reflections of how safe we felt in our first home (parents). Did we have secure attachment or insecure attachment? Therefore anxiety can be a reflection of how secure we feel in our adult relationships, reflections of what we are trying to run from and/or avoid.

We are told anxiety is a disorder- something to stop from happening! Without understanding that our anxiety is grief, pain and intense helplessness waiting to be acknowledged and dealt with.

Medical Microcurrent (MMC) along with guided meditation on anxiety or sound wave binaural beats using the frequency for healing anxiety offers great relief for those suffering from both types of anxiety: clinical and normal anxiety.

We use sweet, small and fluffy bolognese pups s as a part of our healing in the studio. Clients request these calm, quiet pups and they lay on clients to help decrease their blood pressure, anxiety and depression. They are used to feel a holistic body/mind balance.

Dogs donate electrons and this is part of how they heal us, too. Once they do that they go back outside to reground themselves and continue to help all of us feel balanced.

MMC increases neurotransmitter release and helps to balance the brain and the body. MMC rewires the neural pathways and when we are doing self healing work, MMC is such a calming, healing modality that it assists the physiology and returns us to homeostasis and out of ‘fight or flight’.

Remember, we are not supposed to live in a chronic state of fight or flight. This will wear the body down, increase cortisol output and increase inflammation. Our body’s alignment/homeostasis is not to be in a state of over heightened awareness, startle reflex, or fear.




“I never have this kind of change in my anxiety. MMC has helped me more than any other modality. I always look forward to sessions with Mila.”

— AD, age 52

“I never want to leave here! I feels so incredibly relaxed and calm. I feel peaceful and have a sense of well-being. You can’t imagine how balanced you feel after sessions with Mila.”

— MR, age 41



MMC was used in the 70’s and 80’s for the Olympic athletes who demanded MMC be available to them.



This is because Medical Micro Curent (MMC) has been proven to heal 6x faster but also it will strengthen musculature around the injury which then enhances athletic performance -This is vital after an injury and no other modality will offer what MMC does.

If you are a PROFESSIONAL, COLLEGE or HIGH SCHOOL athlete, or sports are an important part of your life remember this: age does not have to change your ability or desire to play sports. We need to get out of old programming that tells us that every decade we will decline in our health somehow. WE DO NOT HAVE TO DECLINE! We only decline if we believe we will and live as if expecting it to occur.

Medical Grade Microcurrent will strengthen muscles and heal from any injury by decreasing inflammation quickly, breaking up adhesions or other tissue changes that occur with chronic inflammation. MMC then brings 40% MORE blood flow to the area to help heal 6x faster. MMC will also strengthen the muscles surrounding the injury which enhances athletic performance.


Your body was meant to heal itself. With the influx of inflammation in our bodies from all the changes in industry and technology and from our food, our body cannot easily self correct any longer.

Blood flow has oxygen and nutrients that heal us. If we are chronically inflamed our blood cannot get to areas that need it. The inflammation and other tissue changes block this self healing.

MMC will decrease inflammation throughout the body no matter where Mila is using the current. This is a significant and prolific change in systemic inflammation. Bringing inflammation down in the body is the #1 healing effect which sets the stage for continued healing.

Our goal is to help you get your body back to its innate ability to self correct and heal.


“During one of my regular face sessions with Mila I asked if she could help me with 3 sports injuries-1) “tennis” elbow, 2) a groin injury, and 3) chronic shoulder pain from golfing. She explained how it works and used MMC on all 3 injuries. Within 15-20 minutes on each area all the pain and chronic ache of the injury was resolved. Months later I continued to be free of pain and years later I have never had to return to treat those injuries. What an amazing healing modality! And Mila knows her stuff. Anyone who hears her speak about MMC knows she is the premier expert in this field.”

— JF, age 64

“I was skiing in Colorado and due to icy conditions on the streets one evening I feel and ended up fracturing my left orbital rim in 3 areas. I knew Mila from other athletic injuries she helped me with so I immediately called her once I returned to LA.

My left upper face was incredibly swollen, black, blue and red and I was concerned. Mila asked if I’d seen a physician and had an MRI and I had so she did her magic and in 20 minutes the swelling was down 80%, the pain was much less and I felt much less anxiety about this injury. I did see her 3 times and my doctor was so shocked at how quickly I had healed!”

— BM, age 32

“I am a new client and came in to decrease my neck size and help under my eyes, and my deep forehead line. Talking with Mila I learned how MMC heals medical and sports injuries. I asked her to use the microcurrent on my calves.

I could feel a change in 10-15 minutes. What huge relief! However, she found some areas of what she called adhesion in both calves-I could actually feel it when she worked on those areas. She told me it might have become a very chronic sports injury for me had we not addressed it as quickly as we did. I can feel a huge difference in both calves now and I understand a lot more how MMC works. This is impressive.”

— AS, age 50

If you are a Professional athlete and have never had MMC with Mila you may benefit greatly from MMC.
It is why the Olympic teams in 70’s and 80’s demanded MMC!



Nonsurgical face lift, Abdominal Body Sculpting & Vaginal rejuvenation.


Body Sculpting with MMC puts the body into a catabolic state- a fat burning machine that will break down excess fat very quickly and excrete it out of the body. Once the elastin kicks in it will then strengthen and lift loose skin.

BUT, did you know it will sculpt abdominal (or other) muscles, too, even without working out!
The protein synthesis that occurs with MMC is how muscles are strengthened. In one of Mila’s first clients she got 7 inches off her abdomen, gave her waist a curve and you can see the start of a “6 pack” forming-strengthening and sculpting the abdominal musculature. WITHOUT WORKING OUT!

Did you know that MMC will realign all the abdominal contents that get disrupted during pregnancy? The benefit of this change is the organs are back into alignment and able to function at their optimum.

New Moms do not have time to do everything they might want to do once the baby arrives. Their body goes through a quite a bit of trauma in pregnancy-although a beautiful trauma-it is still a trauma to the tissues.


MMC will decrease inflammation from the pregnancy and help the uterus return to its normal state and position in the body. The muscles are strengthened which includes the bladder muscle. This is due to the frequency of the current Mila uses. MMC heals and prevents urinary incontinence and/or frequency through strengthening the bladder muscle. This is due to an increase in protein synthesis.

If there is some excess baby weight MMC will help get rid of the adipose (fat) tissue and tighten any loose skin.


Add the Noninvasive Vaginal Rejuvenation and not only does MMC help the exterior tissues shrink back to their normal state, it can also help prolapsed tissue. MMC continues to help the bladder, uterus, pevic floor and reduce the size of the vaginal vault.

There have been many reports of an increase in desire for sex with 40% MORE blood flow going to the reproductive organs and many clients have reported other sexual benefits after MMC.

Just like with all other MMC sessions there is no pain or discomfort and clients can feel changes in one session.

Altogether these 3 session types will bring the body back to homeostasis and return the body to a pre baby state of balance . Pelvic floor muscles are strengthened with both abdominal body sculpting and/or vaginal rejuvenation!

When adding the nonsurgical face lift series within 1-2 months clients feel incredible and are ready to hop back into their summer garb.

CAN YOU BRING THE BABY TO SESSIONS? Yes! We have had several moms nurse their baby while getting the nonsurgical face lift or even the abdominal sessions! The baby can comfortably sleep in their car seat and let the healing sound wave therapy help them to relax as well.


“I had 3 young children and was getting a divorce. I’m 5’ 2” and weigh 110# and my soon to be ex was a huge guy. I wanted to get back into shape, if you will, so when I was ready to date I’d feel more confident. Mila had just started to offer the VR but I was confident. She even said, “Because I cannot yet promise a result I’ll do 4 sessions for free and if it works you can pay me then.” I agreed! But I knew it would work. And who ever offers that?!

In the first session the cosmetic result of the external tissues was incredible!! And even though it looked amazing after session 1, after session 2 it was even better. I did not think that was possible! At session #3 I only had enough time to do internal microcurrent. I then went on a date with a guy I had dated before I got married. He said, “How do you look better now than you did before 3 babies?” and for me, I felt EVERYTHING! It was incredible. I called Mila’s studio and begged her assistant to let me talk to her. I had to tell her how happy I was. And I paid her! I did not even need session 4 although she wanted me to finish the 4 pack! Truly amazing. It’s been several years and I still have the same results.

— AH, age 33

“I asked Mila to help with urinary frequency because nothing I’d done helped it. Not laser and I did not want to do things that caused more damage in hopes it would heal. Within 4 sessions the urinary frequency was gone. I could not be happier”.

— RG, age 51

“I had some issues with pain during sex. Even though I was “small” and did not need tissues to shrink back Mila explained bringing inflammation down quickly in the vaginal vault and increasing blood flow to heal and overall rejuvenate and revitalize tissues and organs in the entire area that MMC would really help. I was skeptical. But I had done the nonsurgical face lift with great results and she had worked on my adult

daughter who had serious, debilitating anxiety, I felt confident she would be able to help me.
Nothing really changed in the first 3 sessions except I could feel a bit more of a restoration in the area, after 6 sessions I no longer had pain during sex. Not only that the MMC helped me climax without clitoral stimulation. I could feel everything but now in a very good way.”

— KH, age 54

You don’t need to be doing a mommy make over to get these results with the abdominal, nonsurgical face lift or vaginal rejuvenation sessions!

Men love the nonsurgial fce lift and also the abdominal sessions. One man was getting married and he had gained a lot of weight. He wanted to look great for his wedding.

Since men have more “dense” tissue and he had an obese abdominal we had to do 8 ab sessions. He lost a total of 10 inches and went down 4 pant sizes!

Not only that he had some gynecomastia (man breasts) which we were able to decrease completely.

These results are no easily available with surgery or invasive modalities that harm the tissues.

As I have said a zillion times Medical Microcurrent is the most amazing modality I’ve seen in over 25 years in the medical field.


Mila has worked on over 11 clients who were having difficulty getting pregnant. Some had had miscarriages and did not start their period after, or they just were not able to get pregnant. Some had failed IVF, or IUI.

Some were not getting pregnant for no known reason.

Although this is an empiric finding, three months after Mila did the abdominal body sculpting series, which is 4 sessions (one session per week), all clients were pregnant within 3 months. Mila states that MMC will bring down inflammation and increase blood flow to the entire abdominal contents including reproductive organs. This tissue revitalization she feels is responsible for allowing the body to get into homeostasis and allow these women to achieve a successful pregnancy.

Mila states, “It surprised me, that is for sure. I had not expected this result. But, just like when my first client said she no longer had “bladder leakage” after doing the abdominal series I knew that the protein synthesis strengthened muscle and the bladder is a muscle so it made sense. Now Ive seen urinary incontinence improve with MMC 98% of the time.

For infertility the idea of decreasing inflammation and revitalizing the organs and tissues makes sense why a woman who could not get pregnant might be able to after MMC.

I cannot promise that result but 9 clients becoming pregnant after doing MMC and only 4 sessions! is not only amazing, but make medical sense to me.



MEDICAL MICROCURRENT is unlike Microcurrent you might hear about now. There is a difference.

The highly specialized protocols Mila has developed offers unsurpassed results. Not only will it help heal injuries very quickly -its proven to heal 6x faster- the increase blood flow to organs and tissues will revitalize, rejuvenate, restore and renew the entire body.

With Mila’s 20+ years in the medical field in anesthesiology and Level 1 Trauma ICU, a Master’s in Psychology specializing in addiction medicine and 6 years studying quantum physics and 15 years studying and practicing medical microcurrent she is a top expert in this very specialized field of healing.

Please note not all current is alike. Things like galvanic current is so mild is does not really add much to any kind of treatment. Radio Frequency, which is not cururent but a type of energy called joules, actually causes damage to tissues through heat production to force the body to make collagen in order to heal or in order to get a cosmetic result. FYI in surgery surgeons use RF for surgical procedures to CUT or DAMAGE tissues deliberately.

Things like laser on the face are also causing damage in order to force the body to make some collagen in order to heal and then hope for some cosmetic result. Things like Ultherapy use heat to produce damage for the same result and cool sculpting also damages tissues as does M-sculpt.

MMC does not damage tissues. Ever. It is a noninvasive modality that helps the body heal and bring it into homeostasis. There is no discomfort during sessions and there is no down time, nor are there any adverse side effects.

Mila directs current to the body that precisely emulates the current our body produces. This is why there are no negative side effects and why it can help almost any issue.

FUN FACT: In the Roman days they used eels to heal arthritis! Eels have current!