


A story of Resilience and Innovation.


I was asked to write about my entrepreneurial journey for LA’s premiere publication on what’s’ going on in LA: Voyage LA.
This is the go to publication where you can find others’ stories on their entrepreneurial journey as well as information about all things LA.



A Story of Resilience and Innovation


As a child growing up in Alaska, I always felt a magnetic pull towards Los Angeles. Visits with family and days spent on LA's beaches dreaming under the sun, I felt I belonged here. This instilled in me a sense that this vibrant city held my destiny. It wasn't just the allure of Hollywood; it was something deeper—a belief that LA was where creativity and cutting edge opportunities converged.

In 2011, I finally made the move to Los Angeles. This decision would define the next chapter of my life in ways I could never have orchestrated on my own. Although I did not know anyone in LA and I’d never had a business class let alone started a business, I had a deep belief I was making the right decision.

The initial shock of LA's exorbitant rental costs did little to deter my goals. Despite having owned property elsewhere, the financial leap required to establish myself in LA was daunting. Yet, standing on the cusp of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, I envisioned my future studio amidst the bustling streets and palm- lined avenues. With unwavering resolve, I set out to make my dreams a reality.

A Nobel Prize-Winning Modality

My journey with Medical Microcurrent (MMC) began in 2008, a pivotal year when I stumbled upon this revolutionary therapeutic modality.

Despite my extensive medical background—having been head of a level 1 Trauma ICU; trained in and practiced anesthesiology at Mayo Clinic and University of Texas; and obtained a Master’s degree in Psychology —MMC was a revelation.

The fact it was scientifically proven to profoundly reduce inflammation, accelerate healing (6x faster than normal), strengthen muscles, and rejuvenate tissues intrigued me deeply.

The numerous physiologic changes were all positive and given my extensive study in neuroscience I was especially interested in how MMC affected the brain. I was astounded that such a transformative treatment, recognized with a Nobel Prize in the category medicine/or physiology in the 80's, remained largely unknown in 2008. When I set up my practice in LA in 2011 my research revealed no one in the medical field was using this treatment. Even in Europe.

Overcoming Adversity in Pursuit of Passion

About five years before relocating to Los Angeles to establish my MMC practice, I faced perhaps my greatest personal challenge: extricating myself from a tumultuous marriage with a physician diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, clinical narcissism with a paranoid personality disorder. He also had several addictions. The aftermath of divorce left me physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially depleted, compounded by threats of retaliation from my ex-husband who, three times, vowed to "destroy" me.

His vindictiveness cast a shadow over my early days in LA, instilling fear and doubt as I embarked on my entrepreneurial journey. Enduring this attack on me I ended up in the physiologic state of "fight or flight". In this state the brain loses cognitive function and is basically in a mammalian ( "old") brain state. Critical thinking eluded me and I made many mistakes during those years. It is surprising my physical health stayed relatively intact and I believe it was due to Medical Microcurrent.

Despite these daunting circumstances, I refused to retreat. Instead, I drew strength from within and through my spiritual mentor who helped me heal my emotional traumas. I sought refuge in spiritual practices, particularly meditation, which became my sanctuary amidst the chaos.

The transition to LA was fraught with emotional pandemonium, but through perseverance I gradually reclaimed my confidence and purpose. Every setback became a testament to my resilience, propelling me forward in my mission to introduce MMC as a transformative cosmetic and healing modality.

Harnessing the Body's Electrical System

Central to MMC's effectiveness is its ability to precisely mimic the body's natural electrical current, facilitating cellular changes, nerve regeneration and enhancing physiologic function. Beyond cosmetic applications such as my highly specialized Nonsurgical Facelift and Body Sculpting protocols, MMC proved instrumental in treating a spectrum of medical conditions. From pain management and healing injuries to emotional well-being- even decreasing depression and anxiety- I was astonished at the effectiveness of MMC.

The #1 physiologic effect with MMC is a profound decrease in inflammation throughout the body and as we know all disease starts with inflammation. This is why I have seen almost every type of issue improve or even resolve with MMC. I also believe our body was meant to self correct and with MMC the body is able to return to its innate ability to heal itself.

Even more astonishing, this noninvasive modality does not damage tissues, is not painful, and there are no adverse side effects. Clients leave their sessions feeling a sense of well-being. Many say, “I never want to leave here!” Besides stating they are out of pain or an issue is resolved I can’t think of a better testimonial!

Within two years of practice Medical Microcurrent would be the catalyst to change everything I believed about how we heal. This led me down a new path studying quantum physics and quantum mechanics and realizing that we do have the power to heal ourselves.

The physiologic changes brought about by Medical Microcurrent, even with cosmetic applications, allows our body to function at its most optimum level. The body inherently desires homeostasis. These multitude of benefits underscore MMC’s potential as a future cornerstone of healing treatment and preventive medicine.

FUN FACT: In the Roman days they were using eels to heal arthritis!


My business was supercharged by results-driven outcomes. Although written up in a National Publication my third year here I did not advertise. It was almost all referral. Others came in through information and photos from my website or Instagram.

Clients were flying in from Europe, Hong Kong, Canada, NY and other US states.

A results driven therapy leads to balanced health. Is this a radical thought for western medicine these days? Sadly, many clients say yes. True healing cannot occur by treating symptomatology alone, it must address etiology. I believe Medical Microcurrent will be how we heal in the future.


Today, my work extends far beyond MMC, encompassing a mission to re-educate and empower individuals on holistic health and the untapped potential of their bodies. I also subscribe to the belief that emotions cause disease and can get stuck in tissues which also causes the body to be imbalanced. It is important to address this. Holistic means we look at the whole person: physically, physiologically, emotionally, sexually, relationally, spiritually, and all that is going on in our day to day lives. When one area is unhealthy the whole system becomes unbalanced.

Through online teaching, and client treatments, I debunk outdated health myths such as 'our health will decline every decade' or that 'we only use 10% of our brain'....this is old programming. I hope to inspire others to embrace proactive self-care, understand the power of our thoughts and beliefs regarding illness (and healing) and be open to new ideas that may seem unattainable or impossible. In 14 years practicing MMC on myself I have never been sick. To me that is extraordinary.


Reflecting on my journey—from my medical background to personal struggles to healing emotional wounds and pioneering MMC—I recognize every challenge as a catalyst for expansion and enlightenment. The resilience forged through adversity fuels my passion for continuous growth and healing, both for myself and clients.
Change is hard. But limits only exist in our minds.

The Evolution of Passion into Purpose

My entrepreneurial odyssey—from uncertainty to freedom— embodies the transformative power of embracing new possibilities and trusting our instincts. We gain wisdom from mistakes and pain is a motivator for change. I often think about how this journey evolved. Overnight success is years in the making as the saying goes. Everything I have experienced brought me to this place. As I continue to witness the profound impact of Medical Microcurrent on lives, I am reminded that expertise and success are the fruits of education, perseverance, dedication, receptiveness, love of the work, and unwavering belief in the power of innovation.

I am grateful for everything I’ve experienced in life. Even the pain. When I had no idea how I would survive or if I’d ever escape what seemed like an unremitting hell, an idea was presented to me. I got through one day at a time....and on some days 5 minutes at a time.

I believe that everything we endure is for our greatest and highest good. We are not alone. We all have similar struggles. Gratitude unlocks our potential. The power of gratitude has even been scientifically proven to increase our immunity. Being grateful grounds us. Staying grateful frees us.

Thank you, Voyage LA for the opportunity to tell part of my story. I've loved reading about others' inspiring journeys.

The future holds exciting challenges. I’d like to begin research on all the empiric information I have over the past fourteen years in practice.

Working with a stellar company who can help develop devices that actually work using my proprietary information in order to help people in all areas of ill-health, or antiaging is the next step in my journey.

I am also writing books and articles for various publication on anti aging with Medical Microcurrent and healing with Medical Microcurrent.

For more specific information on Medical Microcurrent browse our website and our Instagram page
or contact us.